Monday, February 11, 2008

Was Jesus an Anarchist?

Would anarchy not be the most faith-based society possible? A society completely based upon the Will of God rather than the laws of man? So why are there not more Christians that at least consider this? They seem to be so sure that a government that controls all aspects of life would be far better, but that is simply asserting the will of man over the Will of God. Would that not be putting all our faith in a government rather than in God? So is this not idol worship? True anarchy would definitely create chaos, but what about a society based only on a Constitution? Or perhaps, a limited government that can only act according to a Constitution? Oh wait, isn't that what we are supposed to have? Oops, I guess that must not work. We are trying so very hard to move away from that. Perhaps we should at least check out what the goals and ideas of the originators of our government sought? Perhaps read a little of what they said? Again, the "Moral Majority" and the "Christian Reich-err I mean Right" seem to want us to put more and more of our faith into a government that enforces their will, but isn't their will their own and not that of God? Should we not allow the Will of God to be done rather than push our own beliefs of what we think that is? Or would that require more faith than those who pretend to be Christians want to admit it to? All well, just the entertainment of ideas that are still free to roam in my own head.

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