Monday, September 10, 2007

Mysterious Plans

The vision given by the seers.
The words of God.
The heart set.
The mind hardened.
Driven on a course with determined will.
The question never dawned on him.
Did he see what will be, or see what he needs to see?
Did he hear the words of God, or the words of his own reason?
With his own being, the answers would be paid for.
He may only hope it would be worth the cost.
Would it matter?
The time would come and go.
Would he be any the wiser?
Could he afford the price to know?
He could be no miser.
He thought long and hard.
Then it came in a flash.
It all seemed backward.
Then with a splash.
He saw it happen.
He heard the story before.
His heart set.
His mind hardened.
Driven on a new course with determined will.
The question never dawned on him.
How could this be?
The unfathomable mystery.
All was seen and he smiled.
The workings were finely dialed.
A story to well written.
The muse smitten.
His satan defeated-he pleaded.
The true test had come.
A past understanding, deep seeded.
Should he spare the beaten scum?
His judgement said no, but the words were never more clear.
If he killed this man, he killed himself.
The satan he fought was far more than he should have to bare.
His heart set.
His mind hardened.
He did not realize the cost was so high.
It was not time to die.
Then he remembered.
He had a choice once.
He chose to fight.
He would save many lives, he would do the world good.
He knew he was right.
He lowered his hood.
Slaying his satan, he had given himself.
His taint was now permanent.
He knew nothing else.
He asked God why?
Without a reply.
Then it dawned on him.
The rays of a smile creeped to his lips.
He was consoled.
He had done the necessary thing in a world of imperfection.
No man could be innocent.
God alone.
But then he frowned.
He had to ask.
In a world of imperction, what could be good?
He had killed a man.
Broke the commandments.
His being was lost.
He sacrificed it so that others could keep theirs.
The children of hope, the heirs.
Would he be redeemed?

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